$149.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

By purchasing this membership you agree to receive emails from Alternative Investing Movement and Mary Hart. You may opt out at any time, but understand that opting out means you will not receive any emails, including emails related to purchased products and programs.

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The AIM Higher Academy Monthly Plan

Create Financial Freedom by Becoming a Confident Successful Investor

What you'll get with your Monthly Plan:

All the perks just for you:
  • Growing Video Library and Resources
  • Weekly Live Group Q&A Sessions with Mary Hart
  • Private Members-Only FB Group
  • Networking and Collaborations
  • Online Support through the Facebook Community
  • Group Accountability to Help You Stay on Track
  • Access to Mary Hart and her team of experts
  • Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
  • Checklists and Worksheets
  • The Starting Line Training
  • Educational Training on 10 Asset Classes 
  • Self-Paced and Accessible from Any Device
  • Access to all future Training Updates for no additional cost


Cancelation Policy: Monthly members can cancel future months at any time. You will finish out the month you paid for (ie: there is no proration of fees), but you will not be charged moving forward.

Please email us at: [email protected]

I agree to the refund policy. I have read and agree to the legal disclaimer

What People Are Saying:

"Mary is super high-energy, brilliant and an amazing, giving person! The knowledge she shares is eye-opening including how to protect one’s asset portfolio with the proper trust documents. That is so important! You will be in awe of her in-depth knowledge, creative strategies, and her clear, concise method of teaching what you need to know to succeed."

Linda B

"I heart Mary Hart - Extremely knowledgeable, kind, caring, humble, thorough and transparent. I don’t know how she does it, but she somehow consistently delivers at least 200% of content on her visuals/slides. Stellar educator and can communicate succinctly to the masses very effectively. A natural leader."

Dalia de J